Celebrating Success & Rewards

Rewarding Positive Approaches to Learning

Verbal Praise

Staff use verbal praise to acknowledge positive attitudes to learning, this may take place in classrooms or in public forums such as assemblies.

Written Praise

Sprowston Community Academy operates a Marking policy which gives opportunities for teachers and support staff to recognise positive work.

Star of the Week

Teachers and support staff are encouraged to nominate stars of the week. This allows staff to recognise work or attitudes that are of particular high quality. This leads to recognition on the school website and entry into a prize draw.

Virtue Points

Staff are encouraged to identify and reward positive attitudes to learning in lessons. This leads to a “virtue point” being awarded which is added to the Class Charts system. Virtue points accumulate on the system to build toward awards for top 10 students in each virtue every assembly and Virtuous Student of the Week and end of term virtue celebration assemblies for each year group

SCA Virtue Score =

APV (Academic + Performance Virtue)
MCV (Moral + Community Virtue)

"Teachers will give two scores against the student’s ‘Virtues’ at each tracking point. Virtues are ‘characteristics of excellence’ that are taught against Academic, Performance, Moral, and Community expectations for all students at SCA. The two scores are for Academic and Performance Virtues (APV) and then Moral and Community (MCV).

This is found on the school report for individual subjects and an overall average is given. Heads of Year use the average scores as a way of rewarding the top students in the year group and the most improved scores."

 Learn more about Virtues at SCA

Academic Success Awards (ASAs)

At every tracking point, staff are encouraged to nominate students who have particular high levels of attitude or achievement. This is recorded on a roll of honour displayed in the school.

Year Group Celebration Assemblies

At Christmas and in the Summer, year groups hold celebration assemblies in which students are nominated for positive attitudes to learning and achievement in different subjects.