var body = document.body; body.className += " u-body u-xl-mode"; += " "; var dataBg = ''; if (dataBg) { body.setAttribute('data-bg', dataBg); } Uniform Information Tops Pale blue polo shirt with school logo KS3: Maroon sweater with school logoKS4: Black sweater with school logoWe do not accept: Cardigans/Jackets, HoodiesSweatshirts, Knitted Jumpers Buy Tops Trousers Black tailored trousersWe do not accept: Black jeans/denim, leggings, skinny trousers/tight fit trousers, shiny trousers, chinos, jogging bottomsAs a general rule, most appropriate trousers will have side pockets, a button and a zip and are not tight fitting. Only simple black belts should be worn as necessary. Also available from supermarkets and other retailers Skirts Black tailored and skater skirts which must be:Of an appropriate length, style and fit. Worn with black tightsTight fit/stretchy tube skirts are not acceptable Buy Skirts Also available from supermarkets and other retailers Shorts Black tailored shorts Must be worn with socks and normal school shoes Buy Shorts Also available from supermarkets and other retailers Shoes Plain black shoes/ black ankle boots/ black trainers (no colour). We do not accept black canvas shoes, Converse, Vans or similar makes, flip flops or sliders, white trainers, shoes with a significant heel or boots worn over the top of trousers. Jewellery One watchNo Smart Watches AllowedOne pair of stud earringsWe do not accept Any other piercings including nose studs or nose rings Make-up Subtle and minimal use of make-up is permitted.False eyelashes, nail varnish or false nails are not permitted Hair Natural hair colour onlyNo extreme hairstyles/colour Religious head-coverings KS3 - Maroon KS4 - Black PE Kit Students are expected to bring the correct PE Kit to every PE lesson. This also includes lessons when they are ill or injured, in which case appropriate alternative activities will be arranged for them. ALL items must be labelled with names, including trainers. PE Kit can be purchased from supermarkets and other retailers PE kit required Black shortsBlack t-shirt or polo shirtTrainers Football socks PE Kit can be purchased from supermarkets and other retailers PE kit that will be required during the academic year. Not essential for September Swimming hat/gogglesGirls: black one piece swimming costumeBoys: black swimming trunks or school swim shortsTowelMouth guards Football boots and shin padsBlack sports jacket for outdoor lessonsBlack tracksuit bottoms or lycra sports trousers (no leggings) for outdoor lessons between October half term and Easter Jewellery & PE Under no circumstances should any jewellery be worn during sporting activities. All earrings are to be removed for PE and Games. If your child has newly pierced ears (6 weeks or less) then earrings must be covered completely with micropore plasters; please supply any necessary plasters. If your child does not remove earrings (or cover them as detailed above) they will not be allowed to participate in sporting activities. SCA uniform and PE Kit can be purchased directly from Birds of Dereham on the link below. No uniform is sold from the school site. PE Kit can be purchased from supermarkets and other retailers 1478
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